Prof. Dr. med Dr. phil Karl Stoffel
Ärztlicher Leiter Klinik für Orthopädie am Bethesda Spital
Teamleiter Hüfte/Becken
Klinik für Orthopädie und Traumatologie des Bewegungsapparates
Universitätsspital Basel
Stoffel K, Kuster M. Die prothetische Versorgung des Kniegelenkes. In: R.P Meyer: Kniechirurgie in der Praxis. Springerverlag, 2007
Stoffel K, Sommer Ch. AO Management of Fracture Management: Periprosthetic fractures; Chapter 5.1 Conventional plate fixation and locking plate fixation. Springerverlag, ISBN 978313, 2013
Elektronische Lehrmittel
Stoffel K, Kuster M. Operative Zugänge in der Orthopädie und Traumatologie des Bewegungsapparates. Zimmer Company
Stoffel K, Studentenmanuskript: „Die Untersuchung des Bewegungsapparates“. Universität Basel 2008
Stoffel K, Kuster M. Operative Zugänge in der Orthopädie und Traumatologie des Bewegungsapparates. Zimmer Company
Stoffel K. Sommer Ch. Femoral Neck System (FNS): Meet the Expert Session: A new techqnique for Minimal Invasive Fixation of Femoral Neck Fractures. 2018 (
Stoffel K. Finkemeyer Ch: Femoral neck system an innovative device to repair
femoral neck fractures. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS). 2018 system-fns-an-innovative-device-to-repair-femoral-neck-fractures/
Stoffel K. Tibia, Plateau - Bicondylar Fracture 41C3 - Fixation Using The 3.5 VA LCP Proximal Tibia Plate System.
Stoffel K, Konan Sijuth. AO Webinar über Luxation nach einem künstlichen Hüftgelenksersatz
Publikationen (Peer Reviewed)
Stoffel K, Fellmann J, Meier G, Bereiter H. Relevante Unterschiede nach posttraumatischem und degenerativem Humeruskopfersatz (mittelfristige Resultate). Z. Orthop 2000; 138:110-117.
Stoffel K, Klaue K, Perren S.M. Functional load of plates in fracture fixation in vivo and its correlate in bone healing. Injury 2000; 31, Suppl. 2: 37-50.
Stoffel K, Ulrich D, Stachowiak G, Gächter A, Kuster M.S. How can stability in internal fixators be controlled? A mechanical and Finite Element Analysis. Injury 2003; Suppl. 2: 11-19.
Ozturk H.E, Stoffel K, Jones C.F., Stachowiak G.W. The effect of surface active phospholipids on the lubrication of osteoarthritic sheep knee joints: friction. Tribology, Vol. 16, No. 4, May 2004, 283-289.
Jones C.F., Stoffel K, Ozturk H.E., Stachowiak G.W. The effect of surface active phospholipids on the lubrication of osteoarthritic sheep knee joints: wear. Tribology, Vol. 16, No. 4, May 2004, 291-296.
Stoffel K, Stachowiak G.W., Kuster M.S. Open wedge high tibial osteotomy: biomechanical investigation of the modified Arthrex Osteotomy Plate (Puddu Plate) and TomoFix Plate. Clinical Biomechanics 2004, Vol. 19/9, 944-50.
Stoffel K, Stachowiak G.W., Forster T, Gächter A, Kuster M.S. Oblique screws at the plate ends increase the fixation strength in synthetic bone test medium. Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma 2004, Vol 18/9, 611-617.
Buergi M, Stoffel K, Jacob H.C., Bereiter H. Radiological findings and clinical results of 102 thrust-plate femoral hip prostheses. J Arthroplasty. 2005 Jan;20(1):108-17.
Murray B, Stoffel K, Jarrett P, Kuster M. Volar vs dorsal locking plates in dorsally comminuted distal radius fractures: a biomechanical study. J Hand Surg [Am]. 2006 Dec;31(10):1587-93
Stoffel K, Booth G, Rorhl S, Kuster M. Comparison of conventional versus locking plates in intraarticular calcaneus fractures: A biomechanical study in human cadavers. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 2007 Jan;22(1):100-105
Kessler M, Stoffel K, Oswald A, Stutz G, Gächter A. The SLAP-Lesion as a Reason for Glenolabral Cysts. - A Report of Five Cases and Review of the Literature. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2007 May;127(4):287-92.
Stoffel K, Engler H, Kuster M, Riesen W. Changes in biomechanical markers after lower limb fractures. Clin Chem. 2007 Jan; 53(1):131-4
Stoffel K, Willers C, Korshid O, Kuster M. Patellofemoral contact pressure following high tibial osteotomy: A cadaveric study. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2007 Sep;15(9):1094-100.
Stoffel K, Lim G, Beesoondoyal R. Varus deformity of the ankle in a pre-adolescent patient following an ankle fracture. Correction by using the Tibia Opening Wedge Osteotomy Plate (Puddu Plate). Foot and Ankle Surgery. 2007 Sept; 13(3): 157-160
Stoffel K, Lorenz KU, Kuster M. Biomechanical considerations in plate osteosynthesis: the effect of plate to bone compression with and / or without angular stability in shaft and distal intraarticular femur fractures. Journal of Orthop Trauma 2007 Jul;21(6):362-368
Lam L, Stoffel K, Kop A, Swarts E. Catastrophic failure of four cobalt-alloy Omnifit hip arthroplasty femoral . Acta Orthop. 2008 Feb;79(1):18-21.
Stoffel K, Flivik G, Yates P, Nicholls R. Intraosseous blood flow of the subluxed or everted patella during total knee arthrhoplasty. Knee. 2007, 14/6: 434-438
Jarrett P, Stoffel K, Kinzel V. A biomechanical comparison of scaphoid fixation with bone grafting using iliac bone or distal radial bone. J Hand Surg (Am). 2007, Nov; 32 (9): 1367-1373
Stoffel K, Leys T, Damen N, Nicholls R.L. A new technique for cement augmentation of the sliding hip screw in proximal femur fractures. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 2008 Jan;23(1):45-51.
Stoffel K, Cunnen S, Morgan R, Stachowiak G. Comparative stability of perpendicular versus parallel double-locking plating systems in osteoporotic comminuted distal humerus fractures. J Orthop Res. 2008 Jun;26(6):778-84.
Yao G, Qian Y, Chen J, Fan Y, Stoffel K, Yao F, Xu J, Zheng MH. Evaluation of insoluble bone gelatin as a carrier for enhancement of osteogenic protein-1-induced intertransverse process lumbar fusion in a rabbit model.. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2008 Aug 15;33(18):1935-42
Mills P, Wang Y, Cicuttini F, Stoffel K, Podsiadlo P, Stachowiak G, Lloyd D. Tibio-femoral cartilage defects three to five years following arthroscopic partial medial meniscectomy. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2008 May 30.
Kampshoff J, Stoffel K, Yates PJ, Erhardt JB, Kuster MS. The treatment of periprosthetic fractures with locking plates: effect of drill and screw type on cement mantles: a biomechanical analysis. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2010 May; 130(5): 627-32
Erhardt JB, Roderer G, Grob K, Forster TN, Stoffel K, Kuster MS. Early results in the treatment of proximal humeral fractures with a polyaxial locking plate. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2009 Oct;129(10):1367-74. Epub 2009 Jun 27.
Stoffel K, Wysocki D, Baddour E, Nicholls R, Yates P. Comparison of two intraoperative assessment methods for injuries to the ankle syndesmosis. JBJS (Am) 2009 Nov, 91(11): 2646-52
Taylor P, Dunlop Ch, Stoffel K, Yates P. Removal of acetabular component in hip resurfacing. Journal of Arthroplasty. J Arthroplasty. 2009 Apr,24(3):484-6
Wolski M, Stachowiak GW, Dempsey AR, Mills PM, Cicuttini FM, Wang Y, Stoffel K, Lloyd DG, Podsiadlo P. Trabecular bone texture detected by plain radiography and variance orientation transform method is different between knees with and without cartilage defects. J Orthop Res.2011 Aug;29(8):1161-7
Taylor PR, Day RE, Nicholls RL, Rasmussen J, Yates PJ, Stoffel K. The comminuted midshaft clavicle fracture: A biomechanical evaluation of plating methods. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 2011 Jun;26(5):491-6
Stoffel K, Nicholls R, Winata A, Dempsey A, Boyle J, Lloyd D. The effect of ankle taping on knee and ankle joint biomechanics in sporting tasks. Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise, 2010 November,42(11): 2089-2097
Schwieger K, Gueorguiev B. Lawson-Smith M, Windolf M, Stoffel K. Angular stability potentially permits fewer locking screws compared to conventional locking in intramedullary nailed distal tibia fractures. A biomechanical study. J Orthop Trauma. 2011 Jun;25(6):340-6.
Erhardt JB, Stoffel K, Kampshoff J, Badur N, Yates P, Kuster MS. The Position and Number of Screws Influence Screw Perforation of the Humeral Head in Modern Locking Plates: A Cadaver Study. J Orthop Trauma 2012 Oct, 26(10): e188-92.
Acklin YP, Stoffel K, Sommer C. A prospective analysis of the functional and radiological outcome of minimal invasive plating in proximal humerus fractures. Injury. 2013 Apr;44(4):456-60.
Stoffel K, Nivbrant B, Headford J, Nicholls, RL, Yates P. Does a bipolar hemiprosthesis offer advantages for elderly patients with Neck of Femur Fracture? A clinical trial with 259 patients. ANZ J Surg. 2013 NZ J Surg. 2013 Apr;83(4):249-54
Erhardt J, Khoo P, Stoffel K, Yates P. Periprosthetic fractures around polished collarless cemented stems: the effect of stem desing on fracture pattern. Hip Int. 2013 Oct 28;23(5):459-64
Giesinger K, Ebneter L, Day R, Yates P, Stoffel K, Kuster MS. Can plate osteosynthesis of periprosthethic femoral fractures cause early cement mantle failure around a stable hip stem? A biomechanical analysis. J of Arthroplasty 2014 June 29 (6): 1308-1312
Michelitsch C, Acklin YP, Stoffel K, Bereiter H. Chronic ankle joint instability in unrecognized distal rupture of the syndesmosis and malunion of the distal fibula. Orthopaede 2014 April 43(4): 379-85
Kojima K, Gueorguiev B, Sevá G, Stoffel K, Garcia de Oliveira R, Eberli U, Nicolino T, Lenz M. Biomechanical evaluation of interfragmentary compression at tibia plateau fractures using different fixation techniques. Accepted in Knee, published in Medicine 2015, Jan 94 (1): e 282
Shanmugam R, Ernst M, Stoffel K, Fischer MF, Wahl D, Richards RG, Gueorguiev B. Angular stable lateral plating is a valid alternative to conventional plate fixation in the proximal phalanx. A biomechanical study. Clinical Biomechanics, June 2015, 30 (5), 405-410
Sands A, White C, Zderic I, Dahl D, Windolf M, Richards RG, Stoffel K. Assessment of Ankle and Hindfoot Stability and Joint Pressures Using a Human Cadaveric Model of a Large Lateral Talar Process Excision. A biomechanical study. Accepted in Clinical Foot and Ankle, published in Medicine 2015, March, 94 (11): e606
Schneider K, Oh J-K, Zderic I, Stoffel K, Richards G, Gueorguiev B, Nork SE. What is the underlying mechanism for the failure mode observed in the Proximal Femoral Locking Compression Plate? A Biomechanical Study'. Injury, 2015 Aug;46(8):1483-90
Schaefer TK, Spross C, Stoffel K, Yates PJ. Biomechanical properties of a posterior fully threaded positioning screw for cannulated screw fixation of displaced neck of femur fractures. Injury. 2015 Jul 26 Epub ahead of print
Lenz M, Stoffel K, Gueorguiev B, Heike Kielstein, Hofmann G: Enhancing fixation strength in periprosthetic femur fractures by orthogonal plating - a biomechanical study. J Orthop Res. 2015 Oct 8.
Kojima K, Gueorguiev B, Seva G, Stoffel K, de Oliveira RG, Eberli U, Nicolino T, Lenz M: Biomechanical evaluation of interfragmentary compression at tibia plateau fractures in vitro using different fixation techniques: a CONSORT-compliant article. Medicine (Baltimore). 2015 Jan;94(1):e282
Acklin YP, Jenni R, Bereiter H, Thalmann C, Stoffel K. Prospective clinical and radiostereometric analysis of the Fitmore short-stem total hip arthroplasty. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2016 Jan 6. [Epub ahead of print]
Stoffel K, Sommer C, Kalampoki V, Sebald A, Joeris A. The influence of the operation technique and implant used in the treatment of periprosthetic hip and interprosthetic femur fractures: a systematic literature review of 1571 cases Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2016 Apr;136(4):553-61
Lee M, Stoffel K. Distal Femur VA-LCP Failures-Is There Really a Mechanical Problem? J Orthop Trauma. 2016 May;30(5):e186.
Lenz M, Stoffel K, Kielstein H, Mayo K, Hofmann GO, Gueorguiev B.Plate fixation in periprosthetic femur fractures Vancouver type B1-Trochanteric hook plate or subtrochanterical bicortical locking? Injury. 2016 Sep; 30.1383(16)30624-6
Stoffel K. The ban of orthopaedic surgery: Prosthesis infection. Focus on Science. Move 80. 2016 Spring: 4-5
Siepen W, Zwicky L, Stoffel K, Ilchmann T, Clauss M.Prospective two-year subsidence analysis of 100 cemented polished straight stems - a short-term clinical and radiological observation. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2016 Sep 17;17(1):395. doi: 10.1186/s12891-016-1247-9.
Stoffel K, Zderic I, Gras F, Sommer C, Eberli U, Mueller D, Oswald M, Gueorguiev B.Biomechanical evaluation of the Femoral Neck System in unstable Pauwels III femoral neck fractures: A comparison to the Dynamic Hip Screw and Cannulated Screws. J Orthop Trauma. 2016 Oct 13.
Filipov O, Gueorguiev B, Stoffel K, Sommer C. Filipov's method of biplane double-supported screw fixation extremely reduces the risk of fixation failure in femoral neck fractures. Clinical outcomes in 207 patients. Injury. Oct 2016
Mark Lenz, Karl Stoffel, Heike Kielstein, Gunther O. Hofmann, Boyko Gueorguiev. Plate fixation in periprosthetic femur fractures Vancouver Type B1 – Trochanteric hook plate or subtrochanterical bicortical locking? Injury Dec 2016
Stoffel K, Zderic I, Gras F, Sommer C, Eberli U, Mueller D, Oswald M, Gueorguiev B.Biomechanical Evaluation of the Femoral Neck System in Unstable Pauwels III Femoral Neck Fractures: A Comparison with the Dynamic Hip Screw and Cannulated Screws. J Orthop Trauma. 2017 Mar;31(3):131-137
Filipov O, Stoffel K, Gueorguiev B, Sommer C. Femoral neck fracture osteosynthesis by the biplane double-supported screw fixation method (BDSF) reduces the risk of fixation failure: clinical outcomes in 207 patients. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2017 Apr 8.
Zderic I, Stoffel K, Sommer C, Windolf M, Höntzsch D, Gueorguiev B. Biomechanical evaluation of the tension band wiring principle. A comparison between two different techniques for transverse patella fracture fixation. 0020-1383. Injury July 2017.
Filipov O, Stoffel K, Gueorguiev B, Sommer C. Biomechanics and indications for application of the method of BDSF. Answer to manuscript draft number AOTS-D-17-00378, Letter to the Editor concerning ‘‘Femoral neck fracture osteosynthesis by the biplane double-supported screw fixation method (BDSF) reduces the risk of fixation failure: clinical outcomes in 207 patients’’ by Filipov O, Sommer C, et al. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2017 July
Sommer C, Nork SE, Graves M, Blauth M, Rudin M, Stoffel K. Quality of fracture reduction assessed by radiological parameters and its influence on functional results in patients with pilon fractures-A prospective multicentre study. Injury. 2017 Dec;48(12):2853-2863. doi: 10.1016/j.injury.2017.10.031. Epub 2017 Oct 20.
Rieger B, Illchmann T, Bolliger L, Stoffel K, Zwicky L, Clauss M. Midterm results of revision total hip arthroplasty with an uncemented modular femoral component. Hip Int. 2018; 28(1), 84-89
Oh JK, Zderic I, Stoffel K, Sommer Ch, Helfen T, Camino G, Richards G, Nork S, Gueorguiev B. Biomechanical Analysis Of The Proximal Femoral Locking Compression Plate: Do Quality Of Reduction And Screw Orientation Influence Construct Stability?" J Orthop Trauma. 2018 Feb;32(2):67-74
Zderic I, Oh JK, Stoffel K, Sommer C, Helfen T, Camino G, Richards G, Nork SE, Gueorguiev, B. Biomechanical Analysis of the Proximal Femoral Locking Compression Plate: Do Quality of Reduction and Screw Orientation Influence Construct Stability? J Orthop Trauma. 2018 Feb;32(2):67-74.
Camenzind RS, Stoffel K, Beck M. Direct anterior approach to the hip joint in the lateral decubitus position for joint replacement. Oper Orthop Traumatol. 2018 May 25. doi: 10.1007/s00064-018-0550-z.
Todorov D, Zderic I, Richards RG, Lenz M, Knobe M, Enchev D, Baltov A, Gueorguiev B, Stoffel K. Is Augmented LISS Plating Biomechanically Advantageous Over Conventional LISS Plating In Unstable Osteoporotic Distal Femoral Fractures? J Orthop Res. 2018 May 10.
Triana M, Gueorguiev B, Sommer C, Stoffel K, Agarwal Y, Zderic I, Helfen T, Krieg JC, Krause F, Knobe M, Richards RG, Lenz M. LagLoc-a new surgical technique for locking plate systems. J Orthop Res. 2018 Jun 19
Stoffel K. Cemented versus uncemented stems: what we should be aware of! Current Challenges in Joint Arthroplasty and Possible Solutions, Proceedings Effort Lunch Symposium Barcelona May; p5-7 2018
Thalmann C, Acklin, Y, Clauss M, Horn T, Stoffel K. An excellent 5-year survival rate despite a high incidence of distal femoral cortical hypertrophy in a short hip stem. Hip Int 2019, April
Thalmann C, Kempter P, Stoffel K, Ziswiler T, Frigg A. Prospective 5-year study with 96 short curved FitmoreTM hip stems shows a high incidence of cortical hypertrophy with no clinical relevance. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research, 14 156; 1-9, 2019
Schopper C, Zderic I, Menze J, Müller D, Rocci M, Knobe M, Shoda E, Richards G, Gueorguiev B, Stoffel K. Better stability and more predictive fixation with the Femoral Neck System versus two Hansson pins in Pauwels II fractures. AO TK Innovation Magazine. 47-48, 2019
Stoffel K, Sommer C, Lee M, Finkemeier C. Improving the treatment of complex distal femoral fractures. AO TK Innovation Magazine. 47-48, 2019
Stoffel K. Acetabular bone quality as a predictor of THA survival and successfulness of revision surgery. Current Challenges in Joint Arthroplasty and Possible Solutions, Proceedings Effort Lunch Symposium Lisbon May; p6-9, 2019
Sommer C, Chen M, Espinoza K, Joeris A, Voegtli D, Stoffel K. The influence of initial cartilage damages in pilon fractures on the development of osteoarthritis and functional outcomes-a prospective multicentre case series. Journal of Musculoskeletal Surgery and Research, Sept; ahead of print, 2019
Schopper C, Zderic I, Menze J, Müller D, Rocci M, Knobe M, Shoda E, Richards G, Gueorguiev B, Stoffel K. Better stability and more predictive fixation with the Femoral Neck System versus two Hansson pins in Pauwels II fractures. AO TK Innovation Magazine. 47-48, 2019
Stoffel K, Sommer C, Lee M, Finkemeier C. Improving the treatment of complex distal femoral fractures. AO TK Innovation Magazine. 47-48, 2019
Papineau J, Bauer S, Hayes A, Stoffel K, Day R, Kuster MS. The Biomechanical Effects of Combining Rigid and Dynamic Fracture Fixation in Simple Fractures. J Trauma Treat Vol 8(3): 449, p1-4, 2019